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Hazard Identification & Control(HIC) – Early Access Trial

Hazard Identification & Control(HIC) – Early Access Trial

The course is designed for an introductory-level audience that is set in a manufacturing workplace environment. The learning objectives provide participants with the tools and understanding of hazard recognition, risk assessment, and the methodology of controls. Students do not need complete the entire course in one sitting as the self-paced course format allows them to continue where they left off as they progress in their understanding of the material.

This is an individual access license and certification for 1 course available over a 30-day period
This is a special early access trial and you should have received a coupon code to access this course free of charge. Please redeem the coupon on the next step of checkout (Via your Cart).




An Early Access Trial of the HAZARD IDENTIFICATION & CONTROL The course is designed for an introductory-level audience that is set in a manufacturing workplace environment. This is a special early access trial and you should have received a coupon code to access this course free of charge. Please redeem the coupon on the next step of checkout (Via your Cart).